Saturday, May 1, 2021

BAALBERITH - Manhunt review



Godz Ov War Productions

There are quite a few bands out there who go by the name BAALBERITH. This one hails from the great nation of Poland. But there are times when listening to this, their debut full length, that you'll think really this is from Poland? I mean seriously from someone like myself who's invested a lot in Polish extreme metal I can say there's a sound and style which is unique and distinct. This BAALBERITH could've come from MORTICIAN's neighborhood in NYC or even a suburb outside of Mexico City and I would've believed it.

For starters the first two times listening to this I had a sadistic shit eating grin and my eyes were bugging out. Three more times afterwards and I'm still enjoying the hell out of this. This is totally to hell with you blackened death doom that's brutal with a middle finger salute to your face. And there's these cool embellishments which seep in to blow your attitude away. 

First off musically you've got the brutal DM vocals which are perfect. Next up the song structures are old school 90's death doom riffs which make you feel like you're being buried alive. When the diabolical riffs kick in as well as the mesmerizing solos I'm thinking INCANTATION. Songs like "Day's Covered Eyes" and "Bones and Teeth" carry that idea well. The seventh song on this one, "Tons of Mud", is a culmination of everything produced before it.  

BAALBERITH's Manhunt is an amazing piece of work as far as extreme sounds go. It has sounds of old that make people like me smile and yet it is ready to kick some ass for the modern world. It's death metal with some blackened atmospheric touches added on to lesson the beating you've already been given. I just can't stop listening to this release.


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