Friday, January 28, 2022

DESOLATE SHRINE - Fires of the Dying World review


DESOLATE SHRINE - Fires of the Dying World

Dark Descent Records

Anyone familiar with my opinions here on the blog knows I'm a long time fan of the Finnish death metal scene. Well basically all Finnish extreme metal. I have all the releases by the early artists. Plus practically everything that's been released over the past 30 years. Looking back at my favorite's list from last year there was HOODED MENACE's The Tritonus Bell. I got that one late which is why it still sits in my regular play stack of CDs here near my desk. 

Other acts include the self titled debut by REVULSION as well as MASK OF SATAN's Underneath the Mire. So when this release came in for review I was like yeah I know about this band. This is my second time being obliterated by Finland's DESOLATE SHRINE. The first was back in 2017 with their fourth full length Deliverance from the Godless Void. If that one was a peril-less journey into the abyss then this latest one just dives deeper. 

DESOLATE SHRINE fall in with their nation's best bands who push a three pronged attack. It's death doom at times which comes across as brutal mayhem. Other times in their repertoire of riff they come across as surgically intense. They can also conjure up a blackened atmospheric fog which can choke non believers. All and all that's not so bad. 

Listening to this latest release, their fifth full length since starting out in 2010, shows that they have generated more extreme motives since my last meeting in 2017. The vocals are a combination of the parting comments/sermon from your executioner and someone who bleeds fire. Add to that the song structures are diabolic with a touch of the macabre. The keyboard parts as well as the tranquil guitar rhythms are down right eerie. even the acoustic guitar intro is unnerving.

In the end this release is soaking in dread and peril. I give props to vocalists RS (aka: Roni Sahari) and MT (aka: Markus Tuonenjoki). But major appreciation to LL (aka: multi instrumentalist Lauri Laaksonen). I'd like to say this latest release is a step up from their last one. But in extreme musical awareness it's a step down into a much darker realm. It's sinister beauty at it's best. I've listened to it early in the day a few times. But honestly this release is for late night blasts which will haunt your worst nightmares.  Fucking amazing!


Sorry but this album doesn't come out till March 2022 and I don't share download links. If you're interested then check out their last album here:

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