Thursday, August 11, 2022

RIBSPREADER - Crypt World review



Xtreem Music

I must admit that I'm a Rogga Johansson fan. If I cared to move some stuff around. I could probably dedicate a shelf space alcove to just CDs by the bands he's been in over the past couple of decades. I mean I've said it before but it bares repeating. Rogga Johansson is the most prolific musician in Swedish death metal. 

But I believe it's time to access the present day stuff in a clear light. After listening to this latest release which is their ninth. I went back and pulled out their last one to compare. That release was Crawl and Slither from 2019 which came out on Horror Pain Gore Death Productions. That one was pretty damm good. But the comparisons are fairly obvious. 

Crypt World is basic death metal 101. Sure Rogga Johansson is amazing coming up with decent and powerful riffs. He also again plays bass on here which you can't hear. But hey the vocals are classic Rogga aka: deep blunt roars mixed with higher pitched screams. Those parts will never get old to my old ears. And I'll bang my fuckin head and raise my fist. 

But the down side on here is the basic drum work by Jeramie Kling. Sure he's been in the band for a while now as well as VENOM INC., INHUMAN CONDITION and the new version of MASSACRE. On here he sounds like programmed drums. 

As far as guitarist Taylor Nordberg, another INHUMAN CONDITION and MASSACRE alum, is concerned well if those are his solos then they have to be phoned in out of boredom. But hey I'll give this album it's due. Rogga is at his amazing best. There's some really cool songs on here like "Nocturnal Sanguinator", "Good Hatchet Fun" and my favorite "Into the Morbid Pits". 

My biggest problem with this album is that it reminds me of that piece of crap MASSACRE Resurgence album from last year. Maybe this is all the rejected material that Rogga brought to the table. Which is far better than that MASSACRE album. In the end if you're a Rogga fan then yeah you need this for the collection. Afterwards you'll say come back to Sweden.


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