Monday, February 13, 2023

APOKATASTASIS - The Consecratory Secretion review


APOKATASTASIS - The Consecratory Secretion

Hessian Firm

Imagine if you will a one man extreme metal act performing a mixture of brutal death metal with tech savvy touches plus some added symphonic black metal atmosphere as well as having melody. No I'm not drunk or on drugs. I'm as honest as the day is long and this debut album by APOKATASTASIS is an extraordinary mind fuck to say the least.

First off the one man genius behind APOKATASTASIS is named Malus who hails from Phoenix, Arizona. Yes he performs everything aka: guitars, bass, drums, keyboards and vocals. Musically this is an uncanny piece of work. The pre-named musically styles just flow throughout without any any break. Malus also does the same with his vocals. I mean you get the harsh BM screams with added pig growls, acid tongued vicious singing and total bear growls.

Malus's guitar work is also exceptional. You get death metal grooves, icy tremolo picked riffs, tech death soloing and blunt brootal or melodic runs. And he makes it all fit into these ten songs. Actually it's nine cuts plus a keyboard intro. Anyways this is a extreme metal fan's listening pleasure.


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