Friday, February 24, 2023

DAEVAR - Delirious Rites EP review


DAEVAR - Delirious Rites EP

The Lasting Dose Records

Ironically the other day I was just wondering whatever happened to the stoner doom act WINDHAND from the US. Then I find this release sent in for review and now I know. The band relocated to Germany, became a three piece act and changed their name. 

OK that's not true at all but in all honesty DAEVAR sound exactly like WINDHAND. Starting off with the vocals which are of that psych atmospheric, ghostly witchery siren style. Musically it's straight up fuzzy, sludgey, stoner doom which is about as original as a bologna sandwich. 

Now don't get me wrong. I actually like this type of stoner doom and have a huge stack of CDs of similar female fronted sounding acts to prove it. DAEVAR, on this their debut release, are not breaking new ground. Instead they're keeping with a cool sounding tradition. Therefore if you like a similar sounding act which hasn't put anything out in say five fuckin years then here's the alternative. 

Then I'll put it another way, DAEVAR are the new face of this style of stoner doom. The band is a three piece act featuring Pardis Latifi on vocals and bass, Caspar Orfgen is the guitarist and Moritz Ermen Bausch is their drummer. Together this trio create a huge fuzzed out mid-paced doom sound. Caspar Orfgen does deliver some cool psych tinged solos. Bausch's drum work is decent with some adequate fills. Of course the bass sound is fuzzed out. 

Delirious Rites is five songs in around thirty-three minutes. I think it's an EP but some will say it's a full length. Whatever, I like how this band brings forth both a dark sound as well as some headbanging SABBATH-ian bong smoking, heavy as fuck doom. And then that's what we all want. 


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