Tuesday, February 14, 2023

DEIQUISITOR - Apotheosis review


DEIQUISITOR - Apotheosis

Extremely Rotten Productions

Imagine if you will disturbing sounds from the bowels of the Earth. Or better yet some nightmarish entities pulled from the pages of a Lovecraft novel. Listening to this latest full length by Denmark's DEIQUISITOR brings those ideas forth via death metal. For those of you who don't know, DEIQUISITOR are a three piece DM act who've been around for a decade now. 

These Danes started out back in 2013. Their first full length, which was self titled, came out in 2016. I got into this band a few years back with their Towards Our Impending Doom release which came out in 2019. That album was an amazing piece of horrific and bludgeoning death metal. So here we are a few years later pushing it further. 

On this DEIQUISITOR's fourth full length these three Danes perform an unholy repertoire of old school DM which is punishing, brutal and has a touch of atmospheric style. The vocals are in that cavernous realm. The riffs are sounding like electric shocks. When the solos dive in it's like lighting. And of course the drum work is beyond amazing and as technical as needed.

This band is like MORTICIAN with an actual amazing drummer. Nuff Said!  




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