Thursday, August 10, 2023

VOMITORY - All Heads Are Gonna Roll review


VOMITORY - All Heads Are Gonna Roll

Metal Blade Records

OK it's time for a bias alert. Yes I am a VOMITORY fan. Yeah aside from that you might want to call the authorities. Years ago I was at a local show and struck up a conversation with some guy I never met before. We were discussing death metal and he asked me what Swedish DM bands I liked. So I told him I like VOMITORY. They're my favorite Swedish DM band. That's when this guy gave me one of those looks as if he's repulsed and scared at the same time. Then he asked me about the new AT THE GATES' reunion album which was out back then. I told him that I never got into the whole Swedish melo-deth scene because the music wasn't violent enough. After that he decided to leave me alone. 

So getting back to VOMITORY I became a fan of their's way back in the day with their debut album Raped in Their Own Blood from 1996. They followed that with a handful of cool albums. But in 2007 they released Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize which became my favorite Swedish DM album of all time. Now sure some of you readers are going to be like "But what about the Swedish DM big four?" OK I'll explain.

ENTOMBED started out great but then shit the bed. DISMEMBER pretty much did the same thing. Now at least GRAVE and UNLEASHED were still putting out decent albums for a while. But for me the 2000's and Swedish DM was owned by VOMITORY. Now in 2011 the band released their eighth studio full length, Opus Mortis VIII, which I liked a lot and after that silence. So after twelve years we finally got a "comeback" album?

To me this is not a "comeback" release in fact it's more like a pardon us for the long intermission. All Heads Are Gonna Roll is not only a great successor to their last full length. It's the epitome of brutal sounding Swede Death from the late 2000's and here we are in 2023. The band just returned and recorded their type of album and it's fuckin damm good. 

You've got the rage fueled brutal vocals. There's a symphony of sick riffage with groove and punishment. I just wish I could be in a slam pit during "The Deepest Tomb" with it's driving rhythms and dive bomb solos plus almost grind ending. I could say the same for the title and opening cut. There's still that BOLT THROWER influence from their latter albums. We're talking deadly grooves with punishing drum work throughout.   

VOMITORY did not come back for a fuckin rehearsal. They came back to kick some fuckin ass. This new one is a full on death metal beast. Of course a decade later production value helps out in the sound dept. But it's all about the songs, ten of em, which are perfect. They're back and still my favorite. Hails!


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