Tuesday, October 31, 2023

CEMETERY URN - Suffer The Fallen review


CEMETERY URN - Suffer The Fallen

Hells Headbangers Records

I got into Australia's CEMETERY URN a few years back just because they had band members who were in BESTIAL WARLUST, HOBBS ANGEL OF DEATH and ABOMINATOR. I mean that's three aces of Australian extreme metal right there. The first album I heard by CEMETERY URN was their self titled album from 2017. That also came out on Hells Headbangers Records. 

Here we have the fifth full length by this old school death metal act and honestly I think it's their best. Since getting into em years ago I now have all of their releases. So what makes this their best is a masterful attack. First and foremost is that D. Bloodstorm (aka: Damon Burr) is back on vocals. This guy gives forth some of the best blast furnace vocals around in Australian extreme metal. 

Add to that the guitar duo work of Andrew Undertaker (aka: Andrew Gillon) and Dan Maccioni. We're talking about a riff package which is punishing with solos that dive bomb like lightning from the sky. The drum work from Brandon Gawith is savage as all hell. New bass player, Bo Remy, carries the weight.

The eight songs on here are a monstrous bunch of savage to have you sitting on a chair waiting for your execution. The album starts off subtle but ends in a ferocious maniacal way. This is punishing OSDM with a sadistic smile. Yeah it's their best album as well as bestial to the hilt. 




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