Tuesday, October 24, 2023

MAYHEM - Daemonic Rites Live album


MAYHEM - Daemonic Rites Live album

Century Media Records

Yes here we have another live MAYHEM record. This one was recorded during the band's Daemon World Tour. Just for the record I do think Daemon, which came out in 2019, is the best thing the band has done since De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas from 1994. 

The first half of their set is all newer songs. I think this shows how proud the band is of their new material to showcase it for half a set. And of course it's damm good. Not many bands who've been around this long would dare trying that. So hats off to MAYHEM for having some balls. 

The latter half is all old stuff which is in part expected and on the other hand a surprise. Of course I expect to here some De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas cuts like "Freezing Moon", "Pagan Fears", "Life Eternal" and "Buried by Time and Dust". Personally I'd like to have heard the title cut from that album. But that was on their last live album. 

What comes next is a surprise since the next bunch of cuts are all pre-Attila Csihar vocals era. I'm talking about "Deathcrush", "Chainsaw Gutsfuck" "Carnage" and "Pure Fucking Armageddon". Yeah to me this is a "Whoa, Holy Shit" moment. It was great to see MAYHEM going into a deep past dive for cuts which the Maniac era use to do.

As far as the band's performance goes Attila Csihar, after all of these years, sounds like a maniac whether it's his tried and true grim goblin singing style or the fuckin hellish screaming. When the De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas cuts are played you can actually hear the bass lines, this time provided by Necrobutcher. Of course Hellhammer is the greatest black metal drummer of all time. But guitarists Teloch and Ghul nail the MAYHEM sound to perfection. 

The only problem I have with this release is that it's not a document of a show. The first two official MAYHEM live albums, I also have some bootlegs, were documents of those shows with banter inbetween songs. This one is simply songs we played live on that tour. Be that as it may I'm a MAYHEM fan so I like it, to  point.




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