Thursday, December 15, 2016



Label - Hecatombe Records

Released - 2016

This band's promo info starts out as follows; "The beginning of BOLESNO GRINJE was back in the year 2000, when two enthusiasts Hoc and Rio started rehearsing with the idea to make something new on the Croatian underground scene." Ok so now all of you low information metal heads are problably asking yourselves A) Do I really care about the Croatian underground scene? And B) ahhh, were's Croatia? Well the answer to the first question is maybe, if you're into death metal and grind. As for the second question, just forget it. 

For those of you who remember the previous years of Scumfeast Metal 666 (2009 - 2012), yours truly use to write about a lot of eastern European underground metal bands, mainly because they fuckin sent me their stuff in for review. And honestly, most of it was decent or even equal to the stuff that some of the larger well known metal labels were releasing at the time. While the hiptards were drooling over alt-metal shit I was discovering anger, pain and hostility inspired extreme metal. Thankfully on my return things haven't changed, for example this one.

It's been a long 16, going on 17, years since BOLESNO GRINJE was in it's embryo stage. Right now Hoc, the bassist, is the sole remaining band member.  Also since 2002 even with the band's various line-up changes they've managed to put out a hefty catalog of releases. They've got twelve in all and eight of em are full lengths which includes this one. Also if you're wondering, BOLESNO GRINJE translates to English as "Sick Mites". After listening to this I assure you they're aptly named.

I've been blasting GRD on continuous play for a few hours now. It's a twenty-eight minute release with ten cuts so yeah that's a long time. Labeling these guys as simply death/grind seems a bit limiting. Sure most of it could well distinguish BOLESNO GRINJE as Croatia's answer to BRUTAL TRUTH. (well maybe in a junior role) Sure it's fast, death metal heavy and their vocalist, Angeri, has a power violent roar that can pulverize concrete. The opener, (Rstrgn" (aka: Torn apart) proves that as well as dictating to the listener you're about to get your head smashed and you will like it. But unlike the typical death/grind acts, BOLESNO GRINJE explores different extreme styles whether it's metalish hardcore, "Genijalci" (aka: Geniuses) to cool headbanging death and roll, "Asimilacija" (aka: Assimilation). The rest of GRD is decent death/grind which should make genre obsession-ists on the alert to find this release.

Rating 4/5

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