Thursday, September 14, 2017

ALL SORROWS BEHELD– Self Titled review


Self Released

A one man black metal act from the states? Wow that's a stretch? Ah yeah I'm being phacicious but the whole one man black metal act thing has become a trend to the point where the music actually sounds great as opposed to years ago. Technology has been the savior to these lonesome devils. Case in point this eponymous debut full length release from a guy named Cinis sounds far better than some actual full lineup black metal bands I've checked out. 

The tagline description for this is atmospheric black metal but for me this is far more extreme. Musically this sounds like the artist is being torn inside out. This is the sound of a soul truly being tortured to the limits of human suffering. The songs, eight in all, are not very long drawn out dirges. Most run around five minutes which is about as much of a musical pain tolerance your average listener can take without boredom setting in. A lot of this is mid tempo tremolo picked riffs with mechanical drum pounding action. What brings on the pain is when Cinis lets loose with his agonizing vocals. 

This release does touch all the bases as far as being standard usbm atmospheric black metal. The harsh distorted guitar sound, especially on doom influenced cuts enhances things further. BUT, I mentioned before it's technology these days that keeps things at an even keel. This release opens with intensity, keeps pushing the limits but starts to flatten out near the end. I thought the long instrumental was a drawback and the final cut irrellevent. Be that as it may ALL SORROWS BEHELD's debut is still something I'd return to any late night when I need my sorrows peeled away in order to expose the delicate layers of pain

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