Saturday, September 8, 2018

HIGH COUNCIL - Held in Contempt review

HIGH COUNCIL - Held in Contempt

Via Nocturna

Power Metal from New Jersey and they're on a Polish record label. Gee could the hipster douche-bags in Brooklyn like em? I guess that would be answered by the band. HIGH COUNCIL, who are a South Jersey four piece act, have delivered probably the best power metal album I've heard in 2018. 

Now don't get yourselves in a wack out mode, OK. I rarely listen to this style of music because I find it boring as well as generic. Now with that said I like a few bands that do this style of metal.  HIGH COUNCIL have risen to that level on this their debut full length. Amazing vocals, galloping riffs, sweet leads and a rhythm section that makes you break out the fist of metal pummeling.

HIGH COUNCIL started out back in 2005. Since then they've put out four EPs. So this is something of a high water mark for this act. Good for them.

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