Friday, September 21, 2018

VERATRUM - Visioni review

VERATRUM - Visioni

Self Released

The promo info states that this release/band is 'epic metal". Actually this is symphonic blackened death metal which is pretty epic sounding. The music here is explosive. The vocals are hateful and in a way attacking the listener. The riffs are basic power driven stuff but when a lead weaves it's way in then finally there's some beauty revealed. And that was just me describing the opening cut.

VERATRUM are a four piece Italian symphonic black metal act with plenty of attitude to allow some death metal to ride along. Vocal wise it's either vicious venomous blackened rasps or deep throat-ed death metal vocals which at times come forth as a choir. Was this recorded in a church while it was burning to the ground?

What we have here, according to the promo, is VERATRUM's last release (?) Since forming in 2008 the band has put out two full lengths and two EPs, which this is one of em. How could a band like this call it quits? This is like blackened opera. And the guitar leads are fuckin fantastic, the choir vocals (which really sound like Gregorian chants) push it to a new level of epic. Hell if this is their swan song then I say Hell Yeah. Walk away with your heads held high.

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