Friday, September 21, 2018

KYTERION - Inferno II review


Subsound Records

This is the second installment of the Inferno trilogy by Italy's KYTERION. They're a black metal four piece act who formed in 1995 and like to keep their identities secret. Of course I had to check out their debut Inferno I from 2016 because I hate walking into something a third of the way through.

Basically KYTERION have delivered a concept album trilogy based on Dante's The Divine Comedy. The band's dedication even goes as far as for the vocals being sung in the thirteenth century Italian vernacular. Although it's hard to know since the vocals are of a harsh screech variety for the most part. Other times there's some death metal growls applied.

Now while Inferno I is pure tremolo picked blackened fury, in your face blast beating with a military intensity. This second installment seems to be a fuller bodied structure. There's actually some melody, some nuance. But ya know after a few listens I couldn't help but come up with the term: Dante's Inferno Division MARDUK. But hey part III should be here in a couple of years.

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