Monday, November 25, 2019

BOTIS - Grand Abominations review

BOTIS - Grand Abominations

Self Released

Over the past couple of years I've seen the whole blackened thrash genre become very generic. Yeah I know that's a given in some circles but I've always been a huge fan of the genre and to see it become cookie cutter bullshit is fuckin sad. Certainly there are many good acts putting out that style of extreme. But there's also plenty of bullshit out there. Fortunately BOTIS is not one of them.

This four piece act from Philadelphia, PA (aka: Hostile City, USA) takes a different take on the sub genre by adding some eclectic progressive elements to the template. It's all something which will make you go "what the fuck" a lot. My problem with supposed modern "prog metal" is the lack of song writing chops. This band actually knows how to create a song structure as well as differentiate from it to a opposite point and then fall back well. But still leaving you in that "What the fuck was that"status.

With their song writing craft in tact we need to talk about the basics which are impressive. As far as the vocals go the singer here sounds like a harsh raptor. The drum work is fuckin dynamic and fun to follow. The guitar work is key whether it's on par with your basic thrash riffs or the progressive tangents which remind me of some classics of the past. Why hasn't this band been signed?

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