Sunday, November 24, 2019

SONS OF FAMINE - As Razors Gnaw like Wolves review

SONS OF FAMINE - As Razors Gnaw like Wolves

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

Huge surprise, I seem to remember band names well while doing SFM666. Case in point back in 2017 Horror Pain Gore Death Productions reissued SONS OF FAMINE's Alcohol And Razorblades demo. That demo originally came out in 2013. I had written some decent things about that reissue as well as stating that the band needed a full length because of the seeming greatness.

So here is their debut full length. SONS OF FAMINE is a Chicago, Illinois blackened death metal act with a sound akin to a extreme metal maelstrom. The band, which started out in 2012, might be new but their players are seasoned veterans from various long time local acts. It's because of their shared long time experience which makes their debut a well crafted and planned exercise in the extreme. 

The band's brand of blackened death is in a word, bludgeoning. It comes across as a sick mix of Panzer Division era MARDUK meets ABSU and MORBID ANGEL. As Razors Gnaw like Wolves is a fast album with a running time of just over thirty minutes in length. Most of these are fast thrashy face ripping blasters. The band does allow some mid-paced atmospheric touches near the end. But that's if you've survived that long.

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