Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CROPSY MANIAC - Carnage review


Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

Remember the good old days, yeah like three decades ago. Death Metal was still in it's infancy but people were catching on quickly. You would go out to the local club. There would be some DM act on stage hammering away with some decent yet heavy handed riffs. The singer would be yelling out some gruff vocals, no full on cookie monster ones yet. The front of the stage would be lined up with people headbanging away. 

Behind them there would be a huge circle pit of people going crazy. Then behind that would be too older guys, one wearing a SLAYER shirt and the other wearing METALLICA. The guy in the METALLICA shirt leans over to his friend and asks "Ya think they'll kick our asses?" His friend wearing the SLAYER shirt replies "Well not me but" and looks at his friend's shirt then smiles at em. Yeah good times.

CROPSY MANIAC probably know what I'm talking about. On here their eight song EP, this band from Kentucky / Oregon (I don't fuckin know) relives the days of old school death metal in a decent way. Their old school aesthetic as well as their death grind touch is cool. Love the fuckin sick and twisted vocals by Kevin Reece. Their songs are all short forceful attacks. Basically it's beating people up music. 

On the not so good side there's a major flaw in that there's not much guitar soloing at points in their songs which would've been exciting. Most of this is simple riffs, average drumming and good vocals. I'll add to that the production is horrible, the soundbites from whatever movies they were pulled from are not memorable. In the end a decent release by a band that obviously could be better.

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