Sunday, November 17, 2019

PAGANIZER - The Tower of the Morbid review

PAGANIZER - The Tower of the Morbid

Transcending Obscurity Records

OK bias alert, I am a Rogga Johansson fan. If you're a regular reader of SFM666 (and frankly who isn't?) then you would know that. I first got into his music a decade ago and since then I've pretty much respected everything he's done in the world of extreme metal via all of his various bands/side projects. But I got into his main band, PAGANIZER, first and to me my favorite of all his work.

I got into PAGANIZER's 2009 full length, Scandinavian Warmachine, when it came out. It was/is an incredible release which I still hold in high regard. It came out at a time when old school death metal, especially old school Swedish death metal, was making a revival. But as I learned PAGANIZER were an old band who started out back in 1998. So they were not part of the new wave at all. In fact they were carrying the flag of old school Swedish death metal high long before it became a trend. 

OK so I'm a fan so what's with this new album you may ask. Well I liked 2017's Land of Weeping Souls a lot. So we've got this fluid continuation of what if the two points of the Swedish death metal trident (aka: ENTOMBED & DISMEMBER) didn't peter out? Add to that a touch of the more melodic Swede Death on a few cuts.

Rogga's vocals are harsh and heavy as fuck like a bear grunting and hungry after hibernation. The riffs are ripping and the solos, what few their are, seem adequate. The key words here are relentless and dedication. If you liked the last album then you'll enjoy this one too. Great cover artwork as well.

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