Wednesday, July 29, 2020

LJOSAZABOJSTWA - Gloryja Smierci review

LJOSAZABOJSTWA - Gloryja Smierci

Godz ov War Productions

The return of old school death metal crosses all borders including the confines of Belarus. Here we have the debut full length by LJOSAZABOJSTWA. Don't even ask me about pronunciation. All I do know is that in Belarusian it means "murder of fate". After listening to their release I can say it sounds about right. 

For the record LJOSAZABOJSTWA like their death metal dressed in blackness and doom. There's five cuts altogether on here and all over seven minutes each. Despite the genre tags this band's sound is intricate whether it's the amazing solo work or the drum fill textures. The band does the genre basics to perfection aka: crushing fast riffs, blast beat drumming, death doom vocals. But yeah it's everything else added in-between that makes for a damm good release.

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