Saturday, July 18, 2020

UNIVERSAL DISORDER - Act II: Existential Glimpses of Chaos and Order in a Cosmic Womb EP review

UNIVERSAL DISORDER - Act II:  Existential Glimpses of Chaos and Order in a Cosmic Womb EP

Self Released

Ah there's nothing like listening to atmospheric black metal late at night. For me right now it's after 2 AM and I'm somewhat tired from work. Be that as it may it's better than writing about this on a sunny hot afternoon. UNIVERSAL DISORDER is a unique two piece act. They came about in 2019 and consist of Sweden's Daniel Seestrand who handles all the instrumentation. And on vocals you have Sovereign (aka: Joonas Juntunen) from Finland.

Obviously since I'm ignorant of this band's work (and how many times will you read a reviewer admit that?) I checked out their debut release which came out last year and was titled Act I: a Pilgrimage in the Chaotic Streams of Creation and Uncreation. Once I got the idea then tackling this one was easy to a point. I've been listening to black metal for a very long time. It's 2020 and sadly I have to say I know what I like and I know what bores me. So for me of late there has to be something interesting in order for me to even care about a new black metal act.

There a couple of things that I can say about UNIVERSAL DISORDER. Sound-wise what you have here is late 90's style atmospheric black metal. There are two cuts on this EP, like their debut, and the compositions have a doom side to them. The rawness is there to a nostalgia effect. The guitar tones of the tremolo picked riffs sound like grinding sheet metal or better yet a beehive being electrocuted. 

The rhythms feel well into a misery beat. The vocals by Sovereign run the gambit of harsh blood curdling screams to ghostly spoken verses. All in all this is late night music for creatures like myself. The band's influential motto seems to be "Chaos that Runs Through the Universe". Yeah well there's a lot of that going on of late. I have no doubt that these two individuals are gunning for some sort of mainstream musical acceptance. In fact I look at this as art and maybe you will as well.

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