Saturday, July 11, 2020

URFEIND - Purisablopa review

URFEIND - Purisablopa

Vamamarga Conjurations

Years ago you had all of these progressive minded types in the music media (hipsters) who wanted black metal to move out of it's parameters and combine other watered down indie rock styles into it's cannon. They wanted the genre to more challenging for their tastes. Of course we all know the results sucked and were mocked even to this day. 

Of course I get the idea about hearing something different from the genre's early creators. But instead of promoting horrible outsiders making indie rock music with a sprinkle of black metal. I rather wait for the artists in the genre to push boundaries from within. Case in point, here we have a band from Germany who push their black metal vision against the boundaries in a subtle way while still sounding interesting. 

According to their bio, URFEIND is a militant and anti-cosmic Black Metal project with a strong devotion to the thursian path. I had to look up "Thursatru" and found it to be a spiritual undertaking where the flesh is only looked upon as a cosmic bond which imprisons the spirit, in which matters of the flesh are insignificant. Sounds like soul worshiping to me but hey whatever you're into.

Musically the basic template here is atmospheric black metal but the band adds in some twists which become essential as you're listening to this their second full length. First off I love the off kilter drum work on here. Sure there's plenty of blastbeats going on but there's some off template pounding that sticks out like why haven't other bands done this.

Next up are the vocals which for the most part are what I like to call, I've got throat cancer but I'm singing style BM vocals. Then the vocalist adds some clean wails from afar. But the best are when this guy does his filthy fuckin German metal dude style. Take all of that and then the music or individual songs are like being guided through an eerie menagerie. 

So far 2020 has not been overwhelming when it comes to black metal or at least awesome stuff. Sure there's been a couple of decent releases so far but this one by URFEIND just draws you in. I like this release. I like it a fuckin lot.

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