Sunday, July 4, 2021

VETTER - Av Sublim Natur review


VETTER - Av Sublim Natur

Duplicate Records

VETTER is a one man black metal act from Norway. Yeah that's a plus but when I saw that this guy, Havard Tveito, once played in FOLKEARTH back in 2007/2008 I got interested. The genre tagline on VETTER was blackened folk. Well there might be some on here but it ain't WARDRUNA, who I'm going to see this Fall. But to be honest VETTER is a lot of black metal from the old ways. 

For starters Havard Tveito plays all the instruments. Secondly on this, his second album but first since 2012, these five cuts are all unique. I'm not going to go through each song because I hate that. I'll just say that musically Havard runs the gambit on what we fans like about black metal. I mean there's times where he's going low-fi wannabe majestic pagan folk which is cool. There's atmospheric stuff, full blown old school Norwegian BM and rip your face off thrash moments.

In the end I think if you are a real black metal fan (yeah I know, kvlt or whatever) then this is something you really wanna seek out. The first time I listened to Av Sublim Natur was late at night and it was cool. Second time was in the mid-afternoon and it was even better. Third time was at dinner and frankly you don't listen to black metal when you're eating.


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