Thursday, November 4, 2021

SEER OF GALLOWS - Entropy of Holocene review


SEER OF GALLOWS - Entropy of Holocene

Iron, Blood and Death Corporation

Well the skinny on this one was it's supposed to be black metal. After the two and half minute opening intro it was obviously not. What we have here is blackend death metal which ain't a bad thing. This Swedish act follows the genre template well but add some interesting parts which gives forth to exciting moments. 

The whole sound scenerio here is one part haunting atmosphere and another part an avalanche of overwhelming sonic riffs. Part of the riff package is tremolo ice where as other parts is flat out DM punishment. The vocals come off as blast furnace speak which I'm always a fan of. It's a sinister death vibe singing style that wins over everyone.

At first I was not into this release mainly because I'm blackened death out this year. But the latter part of this release won me over big time. When the song "No Lingering Stellar Remnants for Life to Cling On" kicks in you're like enthralled into this cold, grim, cosmic atmosphere. You are in it's grip and yeah this is when you say that's fuckin black metal, to a point of course. The album closes strong which is a benefit and makes it worthy to check out.


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