Sunday, October 23, 2022

MEDIEVAL DEMON - Black Coven review



Hells Headbangers Records

Decades ago Greece had a fairly cool black metal scene. I'm not about to name drop my way into a history lesson. If you're into BM then you know the facts. MEDIEVAL DEMON was actually part of that early Greek BM scene. Unfortunately while their contemporaries put out albums that we BM fans call classics. MEDIEVAL DEMON farted around until 1998 when they finally released a full length titled Demonolatria. 

If you've got that release, and I'm betting it's the reissue with the tame cover art. Then you know that MEDIEVAL DEMON were different then their fellow Greek BM acts. They were more towards the symphonic horror side of the scene. And then after that they split up. 

Now normally MEDIEVAL DEMON would've fell into that for sale pack of "obscure black metal". But no because in 2018 they came back and with a self released album Medieval Necromancy. Since then they've put out two more with this one, Black Coven, being the third and second one to come out on Hells Headbangers Records. 

Musically MEDIEVAL DEMON create old school melodic yet symphonic black metal. Their use of keyboards gives things a ghastly gothic touch. They're also one of the few BM acts to include saxophone in a few songs which comes off kinda cool. But the band cover the basics. Tortured vocals, melodic riffs with a few scorching solos. The rhythm section is solid. And when they kick into high gear it's cool as fuck.

Overall I believe since MEDIEVAL DEMON's resurrection a few years back that this is their best album.


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