Monday, January 22, 2024

MASTER - Saints Dispelled review


MASTER - Saints Dispelled

Hammerheart Records

First off I need to give a shout out to Hammerheart Records because over the past couple of years they've rejuvenated the careers of many old school bands. And now here we have MASTER from way back when. Ironically I was blasting the DEATH STRIKE CD two weeks ago. This is the first MASTER full length in quite a while. In all honesty I haven't kept up with the band in many years. Now I do like the death metal releases Paul Speckmann was doing with Rogga Johansson (aka: Johansson & Speckmann). But hey let's dive in.

As far as performances go on here I have to say Paul Speckmann sounds sick as fuck as ever on vocals. Guitarist Alex Nejezchleba is absolutely amazing with his riffs as well as dive bomb solos. And fuckin drummer Peter Bajci is phenomenal behind the kit. The musicianship is amazing but the music? Saints Dispelled sounds more like a band doing a wanna-be late 80's hardcore release. What death thrash sounds, of which MASTER was known for, are minimal. Most of the songs on here are hardcore. 

Now sure I wasn't expecting something exactly old school MASTER. But hey my last album by em, "An Epiphany of Hate" from 2016, was still great death thrash. Be that as it may I'm sure young people will like this one a lot. "Dude it's like old school hardcore" spoken by someone who was born in the 2000's and thinks GREEN DAY is punk rock. 

Personally the best song on this release is the bonus track "Alienation of Insanity". That's the MASTER I know albeit some death n roll but it's still good.


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