Sunday, January 7, 2024

MEGA COLOSSUS - Showdown review



Cruz del Sur Music

Raleigh, North Carolina's own traditional metal band comes out with their fourth full length since starting out back in the mid 2000s. In all honesty I've never written about this band nor have I seen em live over the years. So hey no hometown bias alert on my part. I do remember years ago when they first started out and the local music media were hyping the hell out of em. Then again the local music media were a bunch of hipsters. 


Be that as it is this latest from MEGA COLOSSUS is a melodic power metal sounding release. I mean sure there's plenty of MAIDEN-esque galloping riffs but also some 70's hard rock riffage like on the title cut. There are times listening to this when I'm thinking "imagine when Metal actually rocked." I mean lead vocalist Sean Buchanan can wail. 

Musically this is cool as far as old Power Metal meets some damm good 80's Metal standards and toss in some DRAGONFORCE influence. There's plenty of highlights like the amazing guitar solo work, which is eclectic as hell, the harmonies and the wild song structures will capture your ears to the fullest. And hey like I said earlier the vocals are amazing. 

The sad truth is that MEGA COLOSSUS is a band that should be playing at WACKEN but will most likely be playing a half empty club here in Raleigh. Showdown, despite it's horrible cover artwork, should be something that any power metal fan will love.


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