Sunday, June 12, 2022

HAUNTER - Discarnate Ails review


HAUNTER - Discarnate Ails

Profound Lore Records

The intermingling of advanced stage black and death metal is nothing new. For the past decade we've seen plenty of acts push the progressive reaches of the mixed genre. HAUNTER, who hail from Texas, are the latest band to swim into this lake of darkness. 

Discarnate Ails is their third full length since starting out around a decade ago. Supposedly from what I've read they sounded very different back then as well as on their two previous releases. Since this is my first time listening to em I decided to keep a fresh outlook. 

What you've got here are three tracks with a run time of slightly over thirty minutes. Sounds like an EP to me. But anyways musically this four piece creates a sound that's haunting as well as punishing. Within the first minutes of opener "Overgrown With The Moss" you are treated to the whole package. You get the atmosphere, the blackened fury as well as some progressive DM touches. 

That's pretty much the pattern on all three cuts. Nothing wrong with that idea for me since I've heard it done by others years ago. I won't name drop. At least HAUNTER bring in some personality to the overall and over done sound. There's a variety of vocal styles thrown in. The band's song craft is exciting with all of the variants tossed in. Basically it's a decent sounding half hour.


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