Wednesday, June 1, 2022

INTOLERANCE - Dark Paths of Humanity review


INTOLERANCE - Dark Paths of Humanity

Godz Ov War Productions

Whatever you do, don't tell this four piece act that it's 2022. This is the debut full length by the Spanish death metal band, INTOLERANCE. One listen and you'll be thinking it's 1990. Now to me that's fine. If a modern band can create a cool sounding album that reminds me of something classic from decades ago, I'll take it.

Like I said earlier this is the band's debut and yeah it's amazing as far as OSDM goes. Sound-wise this is dark and heavy as it should be. There's a good mix of slow plodding numbers and mid-paced cuts. The latter style gets your blood pumping as well as makes for sick facial expressions. It's the kind of stuff which makes ya wanna run out and punch a douche-bag. Please note that 12 years ago I would've said hipster but they're not around anymore to punch.

Dark Paths of Humanity is eight songs worth of filth ridden dungeon recorded riffs. There's some dive bomb leads thrown in once in a while as well as tranquil runs. The rhythm section works well especially the dynamic drum work. The vocals vary from bestial to harsh screams. So all in all it's a perfect release as far as recreating that Euro death doom sound from decades ago.


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