Wednesday, June 1, 2022

PREDATORY LIGHT - Death And The Twilight Hours review


PREDATORY LIGHT - Death And The Twilight Hours 

20 Buck Spin

This blackened doom act from New Mexico originally started out around a decade ago. And from their beginning they were on a roll releasing some short form stuff plus their self titled full length in 2016. And then nothing as if they got lost out in the desert high on peyote. But that really didn't happen. It sounds good though. 

The four members of PREDATORY LIGHT basically started a new band called SUPERSTITION. That was / is a somewhat blackened death metal act which sound-wise was not far from what PREDATORY LIGHT sounded like except no doom. That band had a full length, The Anatomy of Unholy Transformation, from 2019 which also came out on 20 Buck Spin. 

But now these guys are back with PREDATORY LIGHT. Musically it's a continuation of where they left off with their debut. You've got some prog rock touches mixed with doom ala haunting goth and of course it's all blackened. When I heard the opening track, "The Three Living and the Three Dead", which is a thirteen plus minute opus I was like cool. 

The album is just four cuts long. Musically I love the guitar work displayed because it's mostly tremolo picked lead work. The second thing I like here is the superb drum work. The vocals are of that blast furnace throat variety. Unfortunately there's not much bass to be really heard but there's some synths. 

Song -wise like I said the opening track is majestic albeit sounding familiar to another BM act from the past, NEGATIVE PLANE? Another good long cut is "Death and the Twilight Hours" which is hypnotic as well as majestic and ominous. Like I mentioned before this release is four tracks with a running time of just over thirty-eight minutes. Decent.


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