Monday, October 7, 2024

COMMORION - Purga infernal EP review


COMMORION - Purga infernal EP

Self Release

This one came to me through my FB site. In all honesty I hate when people try to send me stuff through that. It's got that stupid business answer to messages sent in. Secondly I hardly fuck with it aka: once every three months. So this was sent to me in August. Sorry guys but I'm glad to have checked this one out. 

Ladies & Gentlemen ( and you confused types) let me introduce to you the next big fuckin Death Metal band from South America. Hyperbole you say? Hell I'm the fuckin king of hyperbole and I'm always right, well close. Here we have COMMORION a three piece act hailing from Colombia. This is their debut four song EP and this band has a huge surprise in store for ya. 

For starters COMMORION are pretty much in the vein of old school DM brutality. But then the guitar soloing kicks in and you're thrown for a loop. Guitarist Jorge Burbano is like an Yngwie Malmsteen in a brutal DM act. I mean his soloing on here is brilliant as well as exciting. Then again his riffs are pure diabolical. Juan Carlos Duque is a punishing drummer. And vocalist Anderson Martínez does the combo deep barrel chested vocals as well as sickening screams. 

COMMORION are a band that labels (half the people who read my stuff) need to check out. The fourth song on here "Montana negra" sounds like a Death and Power Metal combo. But hey I like it all and this release is just less than fifteen minutes. Imagine what they'll do in forty? Keep an eye on this one. Oh yeah that's some amazing artwork.


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