Friday, October 11, 2024

VEILBURNER - The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom review


VEILBURNER - The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom

Transcending Obscurity Records

Here we are in early October a month which ends on a day where we're supposed to be scared. I'm talking about Halloween which we celebrate here in the states. It's a month where, at least me, we break out the horror movies and music which is supposed to be representative spirit to the season. But ya know as far as Metal music goes I don't find much of it scary as opposed to maybe decades ago. But once in a great while there will be a band I come across who I wouldn't consider scary but definitely unnerving. 

VEILBURNER is a blackened death metal act who I learned about a few years back when I checked out their fourth full length, A Sire to the Ghouls of Lunacy, from 2018. Now just to be honest what this two piece act from Pennsylvania does with the sub genre of blackened death metal goes far beyond your concepts. These two guys, Mephisto Deleterio (on all instruments) and Chrisom Infernium on vocals, take you on a nightmare journey which you won't like. 

I've followed this band since that 2018 album, all of which have been on Transcending Obscurity Records, and here we are with their seventh full length. Over the cause of time VEILBURNER just keeps pushing the darkness of their sound further to the point where saying they're unnerving just doesn't cut it anymore. Musically on here they're down right frightening. 

I'll start first with the psycho song structures by Mephisto Deleterio. The guy creates these deranged riff patterns that twist and break formation into newer more obscene directions. Once again it's a diabolical style which tears at your core being. Whether he's into a frantic wall of electric static sound or coming up with an atmospheric touch from another dimension. His performance on here is a forgone conclusion to extreme cosmic horror. 

Then of course there's the vocals by Chrisom Infernium who for the most part comes across as a drunken priest suffering from rabbies. I'd say that for the most part when he's yelling at you the listener. But then comes times when he's spilling bile filled diatribes which come across as if he's screaming in your face or your ear. For the most part Chrisom Infernium sounds as if he is possessed by the Devil. So for this type of music on here he's absolutely perfect.

Speaking of perfection I said that about a few previous albums by VEILBURNER. I mean listening to this latest album is like reading Lovecraft. Some people who have read his works stop as if there's a wall to their comprehension to reality. Others go beyond, see it and come back maybe changed as in nuts. But you have people like me who see with great imagination the horror and are not cool with it but except it. 

Welcome to VEILBURNER's new album, play it late at night. Play it with the lights down low. You'll be a convert after one listen.


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