Sunday, February 17, 2019

0N0 - Cloaked Climax Concealed review

0N0 - Cloaked Climax Concealed 

Transcending Obscurity Records

I feel like I'm reviewing a seven incher again. Oh wait, I am. Two songs here with an eleven minute running time for both. You know the longer ones are called EPs which is kind of an oxymoron. Don't worry there's plenty more where that came from. So the tagline for this is atmospheric death doom. In other words it has no definitive riff patterns or groove. Actually it's fairly free form with a huge swath of psych damage. I bet they use a smoke machine during performances with a light technician.

ONO is a three piece act hailing from Slovakia and are to be considered seminal veterans as far as their music scene goes. They started out back in 2005. Since then they've been a busy little trio. So far they've put out six releases prior to this, two full lengths and the rest small format stuff. Of course with this style of music I kinda believe the small format release works best but that's just me.

Like I said this is atmospheric death doom but to be specific it's an avalanche of ambient sounds and song structure. That's also oxymoron number two. The song patterns contain a basic slow rhythm that's overlaid with plenty of  noise / industrial guitar dissonance to bring on the hypnotic atmosphere. The drumming is programmed which is a nod to GODFLESH. They employ duel vocals with one harsh and cavernous while the other is clean and airy. In the end I feel like I'm having a bad trip from the mid 80's. 

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