Sunday, February 17, 2019

WINDSWEPT - The Onlooker review

WINDSWEPT - The Onlooker

Season of Mist

WINDSWEPT is just another one of the side projects that DRUDKH 's main man, Roman Sayenko, has been involved with in recent years. This project started out in 2017 which resulted in the The Great Cold Steppe full length put out by Season of Mist. They followed that up in 2018 with the Visionaire two song EP which came out on Van Records. Since I've been a fan of Roman Sayenko's work whether it was HATE FOREST, DRUDKH, BLOOD OF KINGU or OLD SILVER KEY, I get drawn into whatever he is involved with like a moth to a flame. In this band Roman handles the guitars and vocals. He's helped out by some fellow DRUDKH members (aka: Vlad Petrov on drums and Krechet on bass.)

On this second full length by WINDSWEPT sound wise it's basically the same as the debut. It's a stripped down version of DRUDKH, as in no keyboards. Then again you could call it HATE FOREST part two. All the essential Roman Sayenko elements are in full bloom. Aside from the kinda interesting music box intro and outro this is basic ice coated melodic riffs that are just so powerful. I give credit to drummer Vlad by always keeping up with Roman's intense saga of tremolo riff package in their other shared bands. Here he keeps the percussion steady, adds plenty of fills and goes blastbeat crazy. Sorry Krechet but bass, fuck the bass.

Look people, OK I'm bias so fuck you, years ago Roman Sayenko took Ukrainian black metal to new heights which lend to dozens of imitators. Now some of those copycats are cool but seriously I'd rather hear from the creator. Secondly this man expanded upon what Varg did with BURZUM while others simply copied. It's Febuary, it's in the thirties outside, I'm here drinking a black IPA called Frostbite. You're damm right I'm enjoying this one.

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