Sunday, February 17, 2019


Transcending Obscurity Asia

So when I saw this in the emails and read the promo info (yeah I do that once in a while) two thoughts came to mind. The first was oh no more generic blackened thrash, give me a fuckin break. Seriously that's become the most generic sounding genre style over the past couple of years. It's second only to stoner rock with a female vocalist.

The second thought came when I read that this band was made up of a few members from the Singapore act RUDRA and I was like, who? Now don't get me wrong I do have some releases by Singapore bands although it's almost entirely stuff by IMPIETY (duh!) with one exception that being a WORMROT dink which I hardly ever listen to. Thankfully after a listen I was glad to hear this is really not thrash at all with the exception of a blastbeat or two. And they come across more as fills.

THE WANDERING ASCETIC are basically straight up metal with blackened threads that make it into something horrific. The standard evil vibe permeates the music on this their debut full length. Frankly they have more in common with modern era KING DIAMOND, sans operatic vocals of course, This could essentially be first wave black metal which is something you don't here so often except for your average VENOM copycat act. Well done.

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