Thursday, February 7, 2019

Update from last month's Op/Ed: KIM, YOU'RE FIRED

       (above photo: Kim Kelly sans "Will Write For Food sign)

Alright so at the end of January I posted the Op/Ed "A Hipster Joke Grows in Brooklyn"
Link is here:

In it I talked about this failed leftist music fest organized by one of the more alienating people in the metal media Kim Kelly. In the piece I mocked the fest, her, her politics as well as hipsters. Hey look freedom of speech right? Anyways I find out that the day after I posted my Op/Ed she, Kim Kelly, was fired by VICE media. WAS IT SOMETHING I SAID? I'm joking of course but seriously this woman has gained a lot of negative reactions from music fans over the years. Just to be fair, much of it has to do with certain opinions she's put forth in her journalist career as well as some articles she posted which turned out to be fake news.

Then came that music fest which went on in January which garnered some favorable press by her friends in the media. But questions came about that coverage and the truth. I was just one of many people criticizing the coverage of that fest, it's lack of turnout and of course the line-up of unknowns. Was that the final straw on her career? I don't know but since she's a big time hipster and they love irony. I thought it was hilarious that the guy, which she and her ilk despise, who put the phrase "You're Fired" into our modern day lexicon is what she got from VICE media in an email, bahahaha! You're Fired Kim.

Of course it doesn't end there since she had some interesting tweets which kinda expose her as the loser she is. For starters there's this one:

"Heartless bloodsucking capitalist leeches. This is our second round of layoffs in, what, two years? Worker-owned and -operated media NOW, we have nothing to lose but our chains and shitty office kitchen granola bars."

Ah excuse me lady but you worked for those "capitalist leeches" for four years. Where were those complaints about "chains" before? You were OK with working for them as long as you got your paycheck. Now as far as calling for a socialist media outlet well good luck with that one. But hey start a blog.

Which brings us to her next interesting tweet:

Fucking fire me, I’ve been here for over four years and have seen the way this company treats its workers. We know you don’t care about us, Nancy. “Progressive youth media” my ass

Followed by this one:

I literally woke up to the news that at least 12 of my close coworkers (and possibly me? Who’s to say!!) have had their livelihoods ripped out from under them, because some rich people decided they weren’t rich enough yet. “Global restructuring” is corporate for “Fuck you, poors”

Well now so there's a lot here to consider. First off I have to say for a person who has been in the media business you should know that if you do not produce then you get let go. Oh you had four years working there, so what? I have experienced being laid off, thank you President Obama and your shit economics. My reaction to my employer afterwards was hey I understand but I had a great time working with you and best of luck. Unlike Kim Kelly I've got class as well as smarts to know that you never denigrate former employers especially on social media.

Then there's this beauty:

A really fun part of all of this is how instead of doing all of this in one fell swoop, HR calls people up individually, one by one, throughout the day, so everyone is just in a state of constant panic

Ah yeah, I looked at some more of her Twitter posts via Google and it's generally pathetic. Talks of unions and minorities, yeah well there's one HUGE PROBLEM here Kim Kelly. It's the simple fact that YOUR ILK created Human Resource Departments whose job is to fire people like you. Come on girl your a hipster, it's irony. Be that is may Kim Kelly a left wing opinion writer like yourself should have no problem getting another journalist (in name only) / activist gig. But if that doesn't happen then here's some sage advice.


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