Saturday, February 23, 2019

YATRA - Death Ritual review

YATRA - Death Ritual

Sludgelord Records

For those of you who don't know it, Sludgelord Records has an incredible record in finding quality doom genre bands from all over the globe. This time around we have something close to my home, well I can drive there. YATRA is a three piece act hailing from the holy land of US Doom (that's Maryland for you ignorant hipster types. I know you wanna say Brooklyn but no you would be wrong.)

While I was first listening to this my thoughts were well they'll never ever open up for SLEEP. I say that not as being negative towards this band. It's just that they sound a lot like SLEEP. That's not a bad thing these days for me. Personally I look at SLEEP as a nostalgia band. They got back together, well two thirds of em, for the money. So now they play for hipsters at fests who need their famous band cards punched and to sell some merch.

But as far as this release goes, musically it's SABBATH-ian stoner doom. What makes it stand out the most is guitarist Dana Helmuth’s vocals which come across as a drunk reptilian. Plus I like the savage wah wah pedal leads he cuts loose every once in a while. All in all I think this is a top notch release. We fans need a forerunner and here it is. Besides this is cheaper to buy then that last SLEEP release.

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