Saturday, June 22, 2019

CORROSIVE - Nourished By Blood review

CORROSIVE - Nourished By Blood

Black Sunset / MDD Records

My criteria for writing about a release sent in for review is simple. I either like it or I find it interesting enough to write something about it so others out there can check it out. In this band's case it's the latter point. CORROSIVE are a death metal act hailing from Germany. Now lets be honest here, death metal outta Deutschland is not a big thing. Yes there are some fairly known acts but they're overshadowed by the nation's other metal genre stalwarts. 

So why write about CORROSIVE and this their third full length in a career that spans close to twenty five years? Well lets look at this band. Here you have an act that originally started out in 1995. In fact you have the original vocalist and bass player in this present day line-up. Also as far as the music goes on Nourished By Blood it's basically 90's era death metal to the hilt.

But think back, if you were alive in 1995 that is, to what was going on in the death metal genre back then. One of my favorite releases of all time, Storm of the Light's Bane by DISSECTION, came out (which is really blackened death). DEATH's worst release ever, Symbolic, came out. And of course the iconic melodic Swede Deth release which lanched a hundred copycats, Slaughter of the Soul by AT THE GATES, was released. But with all of that these Germans persisted. 

Now like I said this is the band's third full length. Actually they got things rolling in 2004 with their debut full length, Wrath of the Ungod. Prior to that they only put out a few demos which I really wanna hear. Next came this really long period of silence until 2016 when the band released a four song EP, Killing Room. Again, I really wanna hear that. Afterwards vocalist Andy Konnerth and bassist Sascha Schekanski finally had a line-up to help create a long awaited vision. That would be 2017's Lucifer Gave the Faith full length. 

Which brings us to this release and after a half dozen plays I come up with the same scenario. I feel like I've just watch SUFFOCATION and VADER play a venue in Copenhagen while indulging in way too many cans of Faxe Extra Strong, because it's only a lager and I think I can handle it. Nope I can't but anyway yeah this is death metal circa 1990's and may I say unabashed 1990's style. Years ago I figured this would happen and hey I was right. 

CORROSIVE bring the pain as far as chunky beat you down style riffs. Toss in some tech salvo teasing as well as a few melodic DM moments that are far from boring. The guitar soloing is not impressive but give it up for the vocals. Andy Konnerth gives a intense gruff barked vocal while bassist Sascha Schekanski accompanies with a seething harsh blackened snarl. Worthwhile for all of that.

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