Saturday, June 29, 2019

TEL - Lowlife review

TEL - Lowlife

Aural Music

Wow stoner sludge music from Richmond, Virginia, go figure? Oh yeah and it's produced by the guitarist of WINDHAND. Well let me slit my wrists. OK all joking aside after giving this a listen I still wanted the jokes in but also give this a thumbs up. TEL do have a hippy dippy love affair with jazz, the 70's and some stoner rock aesthetics. It's when they let the devil in where I give em props.

TEL is a four piece act which started out a few years ago. Prior to this the band released a demo and a self released single. Listening to these five cuts I get this impression of "Welcome to Spencer Gifts. The lava lamps are in the back where you'll also find the Anton Lavey black light posters." Be that as it may the band has some heavy touches paired with proggy moments lost in the fog. Give it up to their singer who is about as versatile as a pair of channel locks.

Overall I think it comes down to their final cut on here "Stangers". It's probably the best representation of SABBATH's Volume Four worship I've heard in ahh a year. Be that as it may I'm guessing this band is way better live. An old oxymoron that it is but the truth here stands with a claustrophobic production style which holds this band back especially when the riffs go seismic, the vocals go vicious but the production holds it all in a cloudy atmosphere which is part of their atmosphere within cuts but still it's a yoke around their neck.

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