Sunday, June 23, 2019

WALKING CORPSE - Self Titled EP review


Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

You know those times while you're in a deep blissful sleep and your alarm clock goes off? That's what this release reminds me of. It's all quiet in the house except for the slight noise of the fan. Push play on this and it's like "Wake Up, Wake Up Motherfucker"! To be honest I always considered grindcore to be a style of music that does demand you wake the fuck up. 

This Swedish four piece know all about that scenario. On this their debut release the band puts outs four punishing tracks that are shock and awe to your senses. In a way this is not music at all. It's a secret war weapon that crosses the front lines at dawn and reeks havoc on a sleepy enemy. I believe these guys were previously all in death metal bands. Obviously one of em must have accidentally played a DISMEMBER album on 45 RPM one night and figured it sounded good enough to emulate.

Then again they might've been playing some BRUTAL TRUTH. The four cuts on here, with a running time of less than eight minutes, showcase trudging bass-lines and maniacal blast beat drum patterns suited for grindcore. The tortured guitar sounds also have some technical death influence. The icing on this cake comes from vocalist Henrik Blomqvist who must be spitting blood after each performance after what he conjures up from his throat as far as singing / screaming goes. Yes Gothenburg, your latest non-mellow extreme act is a death grind powerhouse.

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