Saturday, June 29, 2019

NOCTURNAL WITCH - A Thousand Pyres review

NOCTURNAL WITCH - A Thousand Pyres

Evil Spell Records / Undercover

Sometimes you just wanna here some old school black metal without the bullshit. Thank you to the brothers Baphomet who destroys on drums and Tyrant who's responsible for the filth vocals as well as guitars. Yes Germany you actually have a decent black metal act that does not have all the trappings of your brutal attitude. Instead this duo takes a few steps back to the days when Teutonic Thrash was blackened as well as threatening.

This is the second full length by this duo who started out in 2009. What makes this release cool as fuck is that it does not have the present day cookie cutter blackened thrash sound. Obviously the producer let the band play out their own vision instead of his own. Name dropping will not be allowed here. NOCTURNAL WITCH might take you on a blackened path you've been on but then they jump off into the woods like hunters after prey.

Fuck give me, an old fucker, a shot at enjoying something modern that sounds like my past. I love the violent riffs paired with complimentary drum patterns. The soloing is old school adequate with some added icey tremolo picked touches. Vocals are a caustic char-coaled throat type of variety. All in all this is just fuckin amazing. I'm ready to strip off my clothes, jump out the window and run screaming down the street as professionals chase me.

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