Thursday, June 13, 2019

POSSESSED - Revelations of Oblivion review

POSSESSED - Revelations of Oblivion

Nuclear Blast

Years ago when I saw that Jeff Becerra was out doing festival gigs with his new version of POSSESSED (basically Jeff and SADISTIC INTENT as his back up band). I kinda figured (actually hoped) that a new album was on the horizon. Yeah well that didn't happen so I figured nostalgia is better at making money then creating something new. Then again let me be honest here. I never was one who fell in for the whole legacy thing involved with POSSESSED. Sure Seven Churches is a great album. The follow up was OK and the EP, well who fuckin cares. Seriously if you're gonna stick around in the extreme metal scene then you can't live off of your past laurels. 

Which brings us to this new full length which I will say is fuckin great. Obviously Jeff Becerra took his sweet time to produce something worthy of his past. Of course it takes a good lineup to produce something this cool.  On drums there's old SADISTIC INTENT holdout Emilio Marquez. Keeping the rhythm section friendly is bassist Robert Cardenas who played with Marquez in COFFIN TEXTS. Next up are the guitarist's extraordinaire Daniel Gonzalez and Claudeous Creamer. Yes Becerra got a cadre to help create his vision which is surprisingly not a repeat of the past. 

Revelations of Oblivion is a decent modern death metal release. It's obviously old school DM with a fresh modern attack. The old school point is Jeff Becerra who not only provides all the lyrics but his vocals are still cool as fuck. I mean he's sitting there, no offense, and telling tales of hellish abandonment. The songs on here give off the feeling of Seven Churches on steroids. Yes that's a good thing. Now except for the opening intro "Chant of Oblivion" and the outro "Temple of Samael", this turned out to be much better than I expected.

If Jeff doesn't open a show with "No More Room in Hell" than he's nuts. It's just a blistering death thrash ripper with some amazing guitar soloing. Most of the rest follows suit especially songs like "Abandoned" and "Shadowcult". Other cuts just rock out like slam dance anthems like "Omen" and I'll also toss in "Demon". In the end three decades was worth the wait to get it right. This is definitely one of my favorite releases of 2019.

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