Monday, January 27, 2020

EVADNE - Dethroned Of Our Souls compilation review

EVADNE - Dethroned Of Our Souls compilation


This is my first time hearing of EVADNE. Just for the record they're a Spanish death doom act who have been around for quite a few years. They've been putting out releases since 2007, which includes three full lengths and an EP. What we have here is a compilation release of remixed/remastered songs, a live track and the band’s original demo.

Personally it all sounds like a gift to this band's long time fans which is cool as far as comps go. But for you the new listener there's enough intrigue in this to warrant a great place to start. For instance if you're a fan of doom that lies in the realm of MY DYING BRIDE and SWALLOW THE SUN then you should be knocking people over in order to get this.

What this band provides is elegance with melodic keyboard interludes, heavy and savage power chords, deep baritone bestial vocals or whispered spoken word parts. It's a 3 AM type of release where you're (high or drunk) and wanting some emotional attachment to some heavy fuckin music which you find familiar. 

EVADNE are not breaking new ground on the whole melodic/progressive death doom and gloom genre. But when it comes to this genre we really don't care as long as the songs are cool and they invoke the feelings we want. That's why we play the same releases all the time. So here's a new one to play and enjoy to the hilt.

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