Saturday, January 11, 2020

OATH OF CRUELTY - Summary Execution at Dawn review

OATH OF CRUELTY - Summary Execution at Dawn

Dark Descent Records

I should do a January listing of all the great albums that I missed at the end of the previous year because I'm so fuckin busy in December. This here is the debut full length by this Texas extreme metal act. The tagline on this is death thrash and yeah it's all of that. But if you think about it, a spiked gauntlet here, a cool thrash riff there, some blast beats and a dive bomb solo and you say blackened thrash as well. 

Well you've gotta like a band who start their album off with a song titled "Pounding Hooves of Shrapnel". Otherwise musically this is quite technical is respects to the drum work pounding in sync with the riffs as well as the vocals. There's an upfront destructive pummeling mixed with some decent melodies and total black metal worship from a bygone era. The solos are scythe like slices cutting through the mania. 

OATH OF CRUELTY are some accomplished musicians with a love of the past which comes across so much on this album. Whether it's the Tom G. Warrior type grunts, blackened throat vocals, some SLAYER like riffs and the Teutonic thrash drum work which also borders on modern black metal powerhouse pounding, yeah it's controlled chaos at it's finest.

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