Friday, January 31, 2020

HAUNT - Mind Freeze review

HAUNT - Mind Freeze

Shadow Kingdom Records

I've been known to give people second chances and occasionally even a third chance. That's where HAUNT comes in. I was not a fan of their two previous full lengths. Then again I was not a fan of Trevor William Church's other band BEASTMAKER. Are they still around? Be that as it may since I like bands that conjure up 80's metal memories, I figured one more chance couldn't hurt.

This is the third full length release by HAUNT. Yeah they pump stuff out pretty quick. If you count their short form releases then this is their eighth release in three years. Why didn't I like them before (when everyone and their brother did)? Well because there was better sounding 80's metal copycats out there. 

What won me over to this one is the second cut off of this album, "Hearts on Fire". Which is a cool catchy melodic cut with some edge to it. Let's be honest here, HAUNT have a formula and it works on this one. Before it just seemed too forced and generic. Now they're just generic with simplistic riffs, borrowed Jake E. Lee solos and vocals which at times remind me of post Bark at the Moon Ozzy.

Guys do some videos so VH1 can play em and fat Eddie Trunk will have you on That not so Metal Show. The title cut here is awesome, so is "Have No Fear". From that point on it's a decent LYNCH MOB style of filler tracks that have some weight. Bottom line is that HAUNT is a great remember the 80's band for people who were still in their dad's balls then.

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