Thursday, January 16, 2020

GOBLINSMOKER - A Throne in Haze A World Ablaze review

GOBLINSMOKER - A Throne in Haze A World Ablaze

Sludgelord Records

Here we have the second part of the Toad King trilogy by England's blackened stoner/sludge act GOBLINSMOKER. Back in 2018 I reviewed this band's debut EP, Toad King. While that three song outing was a fuzzy and ugly piece of work which crawled along at a pace that would've tired out a turtle. For this new one they've just doubled down on the concept.

A Throne in Haze A World Ablaze continues to tell the story of the Toad King. Think of it as Tolkien being dragged through a hellish Lovecraftian nightmare of black mire and slime. The Toad King is the discontented ruler of the goblins. Their forest realm is the place where goblin subjects willingly sacrifice themselves to be smoked by their King. As much as the stoner doom aspect is being projected. I doubt the burning of putrid goblin carcasses smells like sweet Hashish.

Musically GOBLINSMOKER, now a three piece act, still stand in that traditional English style of stoner doom and sludge. No need to name drop any of their peers since you probably get the idea. Although the blackened rasp vocals do give it a filthy edge over these, once again, three tracks.

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