Friday, May 17, 2019

SCHATTENFALL - Melancholie des Seins review

SCHATTENFALL - Melancholie des Seins 

Redefining Darkness Records

It's rare while writing about a release that I'll mention cover artwork. This gets an exception since the cover here, a painting done by artist Valeria Metzker (, is a complete representation of the music performed by this German band. This is atmospheric black metal which conveys a lot of sadness, melancholy and the feeling you get while staring out a window on a miserable rainy day. The album title translates into English as "melancholy of being" so there you go.

This is the second full length by SCHATTENFALL. Their debut, Schatten in Schwarz, came out in 2017. They're a three piece act consisting of Vladimir Bauer - guitar, bass and music composer. The drum work is handled by Yurii Kononov. As far as vocals and lyrics go they're done by Stefan Traunmuller who joined the band in 2018. The band also employs some guest musicians as far as acoustic instruments and background vocals go. Strangely enough I say they're a German band yet they consist of members from Germany, Austria & the Ukraine.

As I stated earlier this is atmospheric black metal and as we all know that genre term has become "suggested" over the years. Many artists and phonies alike have latched themselves onto the vehicle because it's become the go to hip black metal genre description term. As far as this band goes they really are atmospheric black metal in that their music lays out a full array of obvious emotional responses. They don't leave nothing to chance as the melodies and ambient passages with chanted vocals on a few leave the listener in staring at bleak depression. You will never be happy again.

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