Wednesday, May 8, 2019

WITCHING HOUR - And Silent Grief Shadows the Passing Moon review

WITCHING HOUR - And Silent Grief Shadows the Passing Moon

Hells Headbangers Records

Over the past few years I've showcased many releases by various acts who were influenced by Teutonic blackened thrash. So now we have the real deal. WITCHING HOUR hail from Germany, have been around for over a decade and have refined their sound through a handful of releases. This one in particular, the three piece act's third full length, will not fall into place with what you consider blackened thrash.

And Silent Grief Shadows the Passing Moon is six drawn out cuts with a running time of just under forty-three minutes. By blackened thrash standards that's long. Secondly I wouldn't even consider this blackened thrash. The songs on here have more of a NWOBHM influence in song structure than Teutonic thrash. The participation of vocals is minimal compared to overall instrumental runs within the songs. 

What vocals there are you could consider them to be agonizing cries or screams. But getting to the music the band does turn up the dial once in a while to venture into blackened speed. They go full on during the album's final track "As I Walk Among Sepulchral Ruins". But for the most part the album consists of repetitive riffs, some tremolo picked rhythms and a lot of sustained carry over balance that goes by old school metal ways. 

There are cool points to this release, The latter point of the opening and title cut with that cool solo aka: "...And Silent Grief Shadows The Passing Moon / Once Lost Souls Return". In between there's too much room to invoke MAIDEN into. Nuff Said.

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