Sunday, May 26, 2019

STELLAR MASTER ELITE - Hologram Temple review


Unholy Conspiracy Deathwork

I've said this before but it bares repeating. Years ago I got into an online debate with this local music scribe who worked for that big hipster website, pitch something or other. Anyways according to him "Black Metal must progress in order to be taken seriously. "My answer to him was, "Serious to whom, hipsters? Sorry but no thanks. I believe the genre will be fine without your intervention." Of course history has shown how poor his hipster intervention has done within the genre. They gave us bad music and a politically correct orthodoxy that attacks artists. Still Black Metal continues to move on. 

Which brings us to this band here. STELLAR MASTER ELITE is a four piece act from Germany whose sound is basically a cacophony of extreme metal styles all woven together within a blackened web. This is my first listening experience with the band who have been around since 2010. Also this is their fourth full length and after giving it the usual five to six plays I have to say that yeah it's good but far from being progressive in that it's all been done before. Obviously not to this degree but all the ingredients needed to put this together have been widely used as far back in black metal's second and third waves. 

As far as the ingredients go STELLAR MASTER ELITE uses multiple vocal personalities, electronica, ambient noise, spoken word elements which all push towards the Avant-Garde genre experiments of before. Now add on some gloom and doom, straight up death metal destruction as well as Euro hardcore and there you have it with black metal as the glue in a nutshell or nuthouse if you prefer. Actually it all works out very well.

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