Sunday, May 26, 2019

FROSTHELM - Pyrrhic review


Revenger Records

The tagline in the promo info for this band was blackened thrash. Immediately I checked out who produced this release. Regular readers of SFM666 (and frankly who isn't) will note that over the past couple of years I've mocked the present age of blackened thrash because it has become assembly line generic because one guy, as producer, is always placing his sound onto bands. The result is always boring crap. Thankfully FROSTHELM is free from that taint.

This is the sophomore full length by FROSTHELM, a five piece act who hail from the great state of North Dakota. Years ago during my time in the military I served with a guy from North Dakota. We were in Alaska then and he use to say it was colder at home. So where else in the US would you likely find a black metal act that is truly grim and frosty? Well not Brooklyn, I know that. After one play of this release I can tell you that the blackened thrash tagline is totally wrong. This is great USBM.

From the opening notes of this release it's obvious FROSTHELM's influences lay over thousands of miles away to the fjords of Norway. But then they take on what is past USBM's greatest attributes. They fire off on the aggressiveness plus add the cool shit. That being some fiery leads which fall into old school metal territory or death metal note bending surgery with melody and bite. Of course there's plenty of tremolo picked melodies. The vocals are full on harsh meets caustic quality. In the end I find this more enjoyable then what the coasts produce.

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