Friday, August 30, 2019

GOATKRAFT – Sulphurous Northern Bestiality review

GOATKRAFT – Sulphurous Northern Bestiality

Iron Bonehead Productions

It's time again to get yer goat on. No I'm not kidding. I have a thing about bands with words like "goat" and "wolf" in their names. As far as GOATKRAFT, who by the way hail from black metal's mecca Bergen, Norway, they're so kvlt they don't even have a Facebook page. Now in all honesty I've heard about GOATKRAFT via their pretty cool 12" EP Angel Slaughter from last year. That was five cuts (one of which was a cover of "Unholy Vengeance of War" by BLACK WITCHERY) and an intro. This full length is a little over twenty eight minutes in length with eleven tracks, one's an intro and two other cuts are less than a minute long instros. You can do the math.

With all of that said this is straight up bestial black metal circa early 1990's. Fans of the old wave will rejoice in that. The vocals have that scorched throat sound. Music wise it's basically a guitar riff and drum pounding assault. As far as the guitars go it's your standard pissed off hornet's nest buzz with a few leads added in for amusement. Drum work is standard blast beat fair. For lovers of low-fi, demo quality sound this is for you.

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